Next week, exatly friday (7/11/2008 in brazil) I'll post the Corey's part of the game.
So, only the Corey's mask will be complet, has I finish the others masks I'll upload to ou guys.
Some people told me to make some parts on Slipknot style, so I'm doing it.
Till now I added:
-| 7 mouth style / 2 of my desing / 5 of Slipknot Style
-| 5 Mask details / 2 of my desing / 3 of slipknot style
-| 1 Nose Style /Slipknot Style
-| 3 Eye Style /1 of my desing / 2 Slipknot Style
-| 3 Mask details 2 /3 of Slipknot Style
till now i only made this, I'm working on!
so wait, in 5 days I'll make a lot of new things!
Give your oppinion!